Monday, July 28, 2008

all and everything

I have decided to accept what comes my way and honor what comes to me as a way of trusting that what comes is a result of all the hard work I have done. I did in fact get my graduate degree.. a very big deal ..
I returned home and my cat is alive. I am combing out tons of hair...He only threw up about four times and there was a lot of stuff in the box.. which is good because:
A:that means the cat alimentary canal is healthy and the more in the box the less surprises elsewhere..
B: there was a sea of clumped clay, !! so yes; the corollary.. less in unexpected places/ Yes. oh yes very. very nice..

My art dealer called and said there is a big deal on the table.. oh yeah.. we all dream of this.. something to pay off all the loans at once.. I used to make a lot of money.. ha ha..

I learned something very important while at Goddard.. totally appreciate what is working in your life and practice.. delight in the folks who show up ..remember that stuff comes up to get in the way of good intentions. Also. give your graduation presentation in the dark and then you can imagine everyone you love is there...
There is not enough time to convince any one that you have value.. there is barely enough time to thank the folks who are truly there for you..

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